A few thoughts on PPSD – (Post Pastoral Stress Disorder)

A friend messaged me this afternoon… I call this PPSD. Post Pastoral Stress Disorder. Here’s a challenge: Don’t only meet with your pastor when you have something to complain about. In my unscientific research, I’d say that at least 90% of the time when someone wants to meet with a pastor, its because they “need…

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My Journey into Never Writing

I struggle as a writer. Wait, there are already problems here. I am not sure it’s fair to call myself a writer. I think it would be more accurate to call myself an “aspiring writer.” I mean, I do not ever write. I am now, of course, but this is literally the first time I’ve…

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We’re Moving to Portland, OR

For the last 14 years that we have been married my wife and I have been living in the Philadelphia area. If you count the 4 years at college, we’ve been here for 18 years. For 13 years we have been serving at The Well, our church here in Philly and its with a lot…

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Edwin Friedman – Failure of Nerve – in Five Minutes

I prepared this for a leadership call I did with some close friends in the Ecclesia Network. Many of us have found Edwin Friedman’s book, The Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix (Soft Cover / Kindle)  exceptionally helpful.  I’d say its one of the most influential books I’ve ever read on…

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Towards a Discipleship Framework

I’ve been working on the following thoughts for the last year or so and I am honestly apprehensive to even publish this because it has morphed and changed so much over the last year.  It’s far from perfect but I’d love to hear your thoughts to improve it and tighten it up a bit.  Discipleship…

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